RSV Preventive Antibody Information

Frequently Asked Questions

What You Need To Know About RSV Prevention

An RSV preventive antibody injection for babies younger than 8 months of age is now available. If your baby is younger than 8 months old and not scheduled for a well child appointment in the next four weeks call our office to schedule the injection as soon as possible because RSV season has begun. Below contains detailed information about the injection and FAQs.

Anyone can become infected by RSV, and almost all children get an RSV infection by the time they are 2 years old. While most children recover from an RSV infection in a week or two, RSV infections can be dangerous for infants and some young children, causing difficulty breathing, low oxygen levels, and dehydration. In the United States, RSV is the most common cause of bronchiolitis (inflammation of the small airways in the lungs) and pneumonia (infection of the lungs) in children younger than 1 year of age. Children who get sick from RSV may need to be hospitalized, and some might even die.

The RSV preventive antibody (generic name nirsevimab, trade name Beyfortus) is a shot that prevents severe RSV disease in infants and young children. Lab produced antibodies are proteins that the body’s immune system uses to fight off harmful germs. Like traditional vaccines, preventive antibodies are injections that provide protection against a specific pathogen. While both are injections, the way they provide immunity is different. Nirsevimab is an injection that provides antibodies directly to the recipient. Traditional vaccines are immunizations that stimulate the recipient’s immune system to produce antibodies. After approximately 5 months, the proteins will disappear from the body.

Any baby less than 8 months old is eligible.

It is a one time injection during the first 7 months of life. There are no follow up injections or boosters.

Starting October 17th, 2023 until March 31st, 2024 (the end of RSV season).

It will be offered annually during RSV season (Fall to Spring).

The injection will last 5 months.

No, unless Mom received her vaccine less than two weeks from when the baby was born.

Most hospitals will eventually offer this in the nursery, we encourage you to take advantage of this opportunity if it is available.

please review the CDC Immunization Information Sheet below: