September 2022 COVID-19 Update
COVID Vaccine Update for 6mos.- 4 year olds
COVID vaccines are now available for all infants and children older than 6 months of age.
The physicians at Stamford Pediatrics uniformly endorse and encourage COVID-19 vaccination in all of our patients greater than 6 months of age. Both vaccines are safe and effective. Stamford Pediatrics is not currently administering COVID vaccine to any age group due to staffing and space constraints. Many options are available for getting your child vaccinated.
Vaccine Administration Sites
Stamford Pediatric Associates does not currently administer COVID-19 vaccines.
- Pfizer and Moderna are both approved and available.
- Pfizer 3 dose series, 3-8 wks between doses #1 and #2, 8 wks between doses #2 and #3.
- Moderna 2 dose series, 4-8 weeks between doses #1 and #2
- Side effect profile is similar to other age groups, most common being: fever, chills, tiredness, headache
- Booster shots beyond the above recommended primary series have not been approved
- There are very few contraindications to vaccination (i.e. current COVID illness, current fever)
- COVID vaccines can be given at the same time as other routine vaccines
COVID-19 Vaccine. You Have Questions. We have Answers
Myocarditis, Fertility Issues, and Long Term Vaccine Effects.
3 Considerations for COVID-19 Vaccination of 5- to 11-year-old Children. The vaccine experts at CHOP address your concerns.
The CDC's Vaccine Place for Information
Keep up with the latest Covid-19 updates and news by visiting this site
COVID Vaccine Information Sheet
This is a great printable PDF with many of your questions answered by medical professionals here at Children's Hospital of Philadelphia Vaccine Education Center
Children's Hospital of Philadelphia Vaccine Education Center
Myths and Facts about COVID-19 Vaccines
Straight from the CDC's website, a simple information sheet on some of the common myths surrounding the vaccines
Ask the Pediatrician: What side effects might my child have after a COVID-19 vaccine?
Safety comes first. Learn about the potential side effects in this article, which also features a video
Ask the Pediatrician: COVID-19 Roundup
Medically sound information you should know, brought to you by pediatricians
The Science Behind COVID-10 Vaccines: Parent FAQs
How the vaccine works
COVID-19 Vaccine Checklist for Kids
Here is your action plan: a nice checklist of things you can do now to prepare for administration of the vaccine to your child.
Booster Information
Looking for more information from a reputable source regarding the booster shot? Stamford Health has the information you need here.
Stamford Health
Questions and Answers about the Vaccine
An updated FAQ list from medical professionals. Scroll down the list of questions you might not have even thought of yet and find medically sound answers.
Children's Hospital of Philadelphia
How COVID-19 mRNA Vaccines Work
This short video explains how COVID-19 mRNA vaccines deliver directions to make a protein that educates our immune system to fight the virus, watch it here and also please watch the video below.

How the COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine Was Developed

Talking about Vaccines with Dr. Paul Offit: COVID-19
Look through this mini library of informative videos hosted by DrOffit, the director of the Vaccine Education Center at CHOP and an internationally recognized expert in the fields of virology and immunology. Dr. Offit is considered the nation's leading childhood vaccination expert.
COVID Vaccine Update For Patients 12 years old or older
- Stamford Pediatric Associates does NOT administer COVID vaccines.
- Stamford Pediatric Associates fully endorses and encourages COVID vaccination for all individuals 12 years old or older.
- COVID vaccine side effects are similar in all age groups.
- Pfizer is the only approved vaccine for 12-15 year olds.
- CDC guidelines now allow for concurrent administration of any and all vaccines.
- It is not necessary to adjust your Stamford Pediatrics appointment based on your COVID vaccine date.
- Your physician will address vaccine concerns and scheduling while you are in the office.
- After you have completed your COVID vaccines, please upload here or mail, drop off or fax a copy of your vaccine card to 203-969-1271.
- For more information, please refer to these links from Yale and the CDC, Covid-19 Vaccine frequently asked questions and Things to Know about COVID-19 Vaccines.
- The Vaccine Education Center is excited to debut a new animation that shows how mRNA vaccines are processed. Watch it here.
- CDC recommends an additional mRNA COVID-19 vaccine dose for immunocompromised individuals. Learn more
COVID-19 Information
We have compiled a collection of helpful COVID information for you and your family to stay informed.
This new page includes helpful articles to help manage COVID-related school related topics and current medical updates.
COVID-19 will be with us for a long time. Our offices are committed to keeping you and your family safe and healthy.
We are here for you! Please call us with any questions or concerns. We will get through this together!